Member Benefits
First and foremost, being a member of the MUCT Alumni Association in the Upper Midwest affords each individual the opportunity to “give back” to the Naval Academy for the terrific education and opportunities we were provided. Your support helps make your Chapter stronger and stronger Chapters around the country benefit the Alumni Association, the Academy, the U.S.Navy, and our Nation. Membership also provides individuals with the following opportunities:
Stay Informed
Members are kept informed of pertinent information and activities relevant to the MUCT, the MUCT Alumni Association, and the MUCT Foundation through newsletters, emails, and monthly breakfasts. Members are provided access to the MUCT Page that includes current news, the Chapter newsletter, meeting and event forms and/or registration, helpful resources, and useful links to a variety of informative websites.
Professional Networking and Social Events
Members are invited to attend monthly breakfast events (metro westside and metro eastside) that provide opportunities to re-connect with classmates and shipmates while hearing from guest speakers on a wide range of topics. Alumni attending usually span over 70 years of graduation classes. Members are invited to Chapter events including both scheduled annual events like the Army-Navy football Party, Alumni Family Picnic, All-Service Golf Classic, Navy Birthday Ball, and local air expos and ad hoc events arising from opportunities with "partner" organizations. Many of these events are made available at discounted pricing to members.